Selasa, 09 April 2013

Will You - Me (© Anisa Ari)

Will you catch me when I fall?

Will you try to?

I fell for you
It sure feels like fell from cloud9
I already fell for you
Fell for nothing, that means everything
So, yes this is it
I don't know where to land
So, now I don't know where
To land this heart

Will you catch me when I fall?
Will you ever try to?

'Cause these wings are not available
For me to use

Will you catch me when I fall?
Will you ever put efforts?
Will you catch me with your arms?
Will you..?

I am going to land on the hard ground
I don't want to wait for too long
For you to catch me
If you don't even know that I already
Fell from the highest path
Of the sky

So this is it
Where I'm going to land this heart?
Do I even know?
Will you catch it with open arms?
'cause it's fragile
Will you ever put on efforts on trying to catch me?

Will you ever wanted to catch me when I fall?

Will you, will you
Will you try to catch me?

Will you, will you
Will you catch me when I fall?

Will you, will you
Put efforts on trying to catch me?

Will you, will you...?


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